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In Business, Leadership

What Really Matters?

I must confess that I’m not a movie critic and I’ve never written a film review, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. I just returned from the movie theatre with my family where we watched Pixar Studio’s “Cars”. On the way to the movie, I was giving some tongue in cheek grief to my wife about being dragged to an animated film (I’m normally more of an action film kind of guy) On the ride home I was thanking her for taking me along.

Without spoiling the plot for those who haven’t seen the film it is a light-hearted and entertaining look at what can happen in life when your priorities become out of balance. The movie forces you to evaluate what’s important in life by looking at what can often be the “what have you done lately” shallow nature of business as contrasted with the depth and joy that comes from having meaningful relationships.

The movie demonstrates the inevitable sadness that occurs when you place your career above all things to the extent that it defines who you are. Conversely, it shows the satisfaction and happiness that can be achieved when you have balance and perspective such that work is what you do, but clearly not who you are.

When coaching and mentoring executives and entrepreneurs the biggest challenge with most clients is having them align what’s truly important to them with how they actually live their lives. Attitude, performance, a balance between work and family life, physical health and many other things that lead to success and happiness often come down to being honest with yourself about why you do what you do.

Do yourself a favor by going to see this movie. The entertainment value is high and it will cause you to perform what is likely a long overdue gut-check How much is enough? Are you focused on the right things for the right reasons? Do you enjoy work? Do you think you’re successful? Are you giving your time and your efforts to the people and the activities that really matter? How do your family, friends, and co-workers feel about you? How do you feel about you?


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