Mike Myatt

Leadership & Presence

Leadership & Presence

Can you be a true leader without possessing a presence? In my experience, very rarely...I'm not referencing the wannabe leaders…

14 years ago

Leadership & Perfectionism

This may be difficult for some the get their heads around, but perfectionism is not a leadership trait. Leadership requires…

14 years ago

Who’s In Charge?

"Who the **** is in charge around here?" This question left an absolutely indelible impression on my mind since I…

14 years ago

Leveraging Down for CEOs

If you desire to become a successful leader at any level, much less a top CEO, it will be essential…

15 years ago

Leadership Boldness

Are you a bold leader? Have you been told that you have a bit of an edge? If so, you…

15 years ago

Why Consensus Kills Team Building

I read an interesting post by Dan Rockwell (@LeadershipFreak) entitled "Six ways to make teams work" and found myself in complete…

15 years ago

What If Leadership Was More Than a Buzzword

What if "Leadership" was more than a buzzword? What If...What if leadership was more than just another contentious term bantered…

15 years ago

Confidence vs. Arrogance

Confidence vs. Arrogance...is it merely a question of semantics? I think not. While confidence can be mistaken for arrogance, and…

15 years ago

Leadership & Change

First the bad news: If you’re not willing to embrace change you’re not ready to lead. Put simply, leadership is…

15 years ago

Leaders: Born or Made?

Leaders: born or made? While there is a very simple answer to this question, most people are so entrenched in their beliefs no…

15 years ago

Great Leaders on Leadership

I read a wonderful blog post by Chad Missildine (@ChadMissildine) in which the meat of the post consisted of a…

15 years ago

Leadership Interview with John C. Maxwell

For those of you interested in the topic of leadership, John C. Maxwell (@johncmaxwell - www.johnmaxwell.com) likely needs no introduction. John is probably…

15 years ago

Leadership Interview – Marshall Goldsmith

I recently had the pleasure of spending about 40 minutes on the phone with Marshall Goldsmith (@coachgoldsmith) whom I consider…

15 years ago

You Can’t Argue With Crazy

Do your workplace communications ever feel as if you're spending most of your time attempting to assuage the concerns of…

15 years ago

Increasing Productivity

“Finding The Zone” is a concept that most athletes are familiar with, but what about CEOs? We’ve all heard the…

15 years ago

What is The Best Definition of Leadership?

What's your definition of Leadership? In thinking about the comments I've received from readers on the topic of leadership I…

15 years ago