
Why the “F” Bomb Shouldn’t Be Dropped

Why the “F” Bomb Shouldn’t Be Dropped

I recently read an interesting article on The Wall Street Journal discussing the use of colorful language in business settings. It…

13 years ago

Is Blogging Dead?

I read an interesting article in Inc. Magazine entitled "Where Have All the Bloggers Gone?" If you read this article…

13 years ago

Managing The Board | 10 Things Every CEO Should Know

I've yet to meet a CEO who at some point in time hasn't been frustrated by their board - it…

13 years ago

Is the Customer Always Right?

Is the customer really always right? How far should a company go to satisfy their clientele or customer base? What…

13 years ago

Contingency Planning

The best leaders always have a back-up plan, so my question to you is: what's your Plan B? My experience…

13 years ago

Is Your Message Relevant?

When was the last time you bothered to read, watch, or listen to a message that wasn't relevant to your…

13 years ago

The Downside of Passion

Review any list of positive leadership traits and "passion" will undoubtedly rank near the top - rightly so. In most…

13 years ago

Greatness & Tragedy

Few things highlight great acts of selflessness and heroism more than tragedy. This weekend's helicopter crash in Afghanistan was a…

13 years ago

When Humor Isn’t So Funny

The old saying "everybody loves a comedian" has regretfully given birth to a time where everybody thinks they're a comedian. Sadly, what many…

14 years ago

Rethinking Good To Great

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog you know from time-to-time I’ll take aim at a sacred cow and…

14 years ago