
First Impressions

First Impressions

Do first impressions really matter? While they shouldn't, the reality is that they most certainly do. As the old saying goes "you only get…

13 years ago

5 Communication Tips for Leaders

Regardless of your station in life, both what you say, and how you say it matters. It matters to an…

14 years ago

10 Communication Tips for Leaders

Want to lead more effectively? Communicate more effectively. Communication skills are so essential that it's simply impossible to become a…

14 years ago

Great Leaders Leverage Great Messaging

Great leaders understand the power, influence, and leverage created by great messaging. Do you ever find yourself sitting back and…

14 years ago

Buzzwords Aren’t All Bad

Here's an "out of the box" idea - buzzwords aren't all bad, and when used properly in business-speak, they can…

14 years ago

You Can’t Argue With Crazy

Do your workplace communications ever feel as if you're spending most of your time attempting to assuage the concerns of…

15 years ago

5 Steps to Better Communication

While it would be nice to have the oratory skill of Winston Churchill or to possess the ability to write…

17 years ago

Public Speaking

I had my first paid public speaking engagement in 1985 and it has been a love-hate relationship ever since...I love…

19 years ago