Sharon Hansen
Senior Associate – Philadelphia, PA
Sharon Hansen
Senior Associate – Filadelfia, Pensilvania
Sharon Hansen is a Senior Associate with N2Growth’s Executive Search practice in Philadelphia, PA. Sharon’s expertise is in executive search and recruitment for senior leaders and C-Suite executives across a wide array of industries and functional areas. At N2Growth, she focuses on the strategy and execution of cross-industry and cross-functional executive searches for key roles in leading organizations across the United States and worldwide.
Sharon has placed senior leaders across industries including but not limited to healthcare, business administration, nonprofit, engineering, and veterinary medicine. She has successfully worked with large-public organizations as well as smaller, privately owned enterprises, collaborating with search committees, boards, and individual decision makers. Sharon prides herself on implementing an agile and customized approach to meeting client needs and delivering results.
Prior to joining N2Growth, Sharon was a senior associate at the national executive search firm Isaacson, Miller. She has also served as a consultant to several executive search firms focused on higher education and advancement work. Sharon brings a strong foundation in leadership and management to her practice through over twenty years of experience in higher education administration.
Sharon has her BA in Psychology from SUNY Fredonia and an MSEd. from Alfred University. She is also an active member of the Philadelphia Society of People and Strategy (PSPS). Sharon is an avid recreational cyclist, covering over 6,000 miles annually and completing at least one “Century” (100-mile ride) per year. She is also an active volunteer in connecting local community members who are homebound with much-needed fellowship and support.
Áreas de especialización
Búsqueda de Ejecutivos
Nuestra práctica de búsqueda de ejecutivos en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, se centra en la búsqueda de altos ejecutivos, miembros de juntas directivas y ejecutivos de alto nivel. Las marcas líderes del mundo buscan nuestro asesoramiento para formar equipos de liderazgo de primera clase, gestionar el desempeño y planificar la sucesión.
Desarrollo del liderazgo
Nuestra amplia cartera de servicios de coaching ejecutivo y desarrollo de liderazgo en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, impulsa a las empresas y a los equipos hacia la grandeza, ya sea a través de coaching ejecutivo personalizado o asesoramiento de liderazgo para toda la empresa. En realidad, existe una fórmula mágica en los negocios: se llama liderazgo excelente.
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