Hakim Marrakchi CEO Maghreb Industries
In Leadership, Opinion

“Live in the Moment” With Hakim Marrakchi, CEO at Maghreb Industries

Hakim Marrakchi, CEO of Maghreb Industries, shared his perspective to Live in the Moment as the advice he would give his younger self.

Even though Hakim is a very humble businessman and made it clear this advice given would be different for himself and differ from what he would give others. I still think these insights are powerful and worth sharing with you.

Interview Summary

HM: Start with a moral center. First, perform actions that are the right things to do (in the end, we all know what “right” looks like, do them!). 

JH thoughts: Having a moral center is such a core tenant to a modern-day leader. Keep in mind that we all live in a glasshouse. As leaders, others are always watching, and if you live with knowing what is right and wrong, you will do well in today’s never-forgiving world of judgment. 


HM: Do things with love.

JH thoughts: Love is from the heart. Many people talk about the concept of personality from the head, heart, hand perspective, and Hakim believes in the power of leading from the heart first. Show people your emotional side and tendency for caring, and they will trust you that much more. 


HM: Belief in what you are doing.

JH thoughts: Belief in something bigger then yourself leads to an almost spiritual emotion. Use this energy for motivation and focus. If you believe in what you are doing and you know how it will affect not only yourself but others, you will feel and act invincible. 


HM: Work hard at being a positive example to others, (you can not expect others to work hard if you never sweat yourself!).

JH thoughts: The classic “set the example.” Others wish to be inspired, and the most straightforward way as a leader to do that demonstrates that you are just as willing to work as hard as anyone else to achieve the end goal. 


HM: Have a vision, the future is unknown, so base yourself in sound leader principles.

JH thoughts: Although you may be surrounded in darkness, you can still follow the stars. Have a vision of what the future looks like and strive to achieve that objective. When things get stressful or chaotic, having sound foundations on where you are going allows for a “leadership calmness” that will be contagious. 

What are your thoughts on looking back and giving advice to a younger version of yourself? Please post your comments below and let us begin building a tribe of people who have a passion for followership, mentorship, and leading!


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