N2Growth Helps Businesses Combine Strategy & Innovation for a Consumer First Approach to Digital Transformation
In Digital Transformation

N2Growth Helps Businesses Combine Strategy & Innovation for a Consumer-First Approach to Digital Transformation

Digital technology continues to transform both retail and consumer experience. To stay competitive, brands must innovate and transform. That transformation requires adopting new digital technologies in every aspect of the business — from product design and operations to customer service and marketing.

Some business leaders eager to keep a competitive advantage often invest in new technologies without fully understanding how to harness their potential or fully considering how digital technologies will meet the company’s needs. In contrast, other leaders focus so much on long-term strategies that they miss the opportunity to create a competitive advantage by pulling the future-forward. Balance is the key to success; N2Growth, believes that innovation and strategy must come together for businesses to enjoy sustainable growth and maintain customer satisfaction.

“Digital transformation starts at a strategic level with leadership being committed to change. It begins with a strategy of innovation,”. We’re working with clients to give their organizations the ability to create a best in class innovation strategy that leads to quick prototyping, and the earning quick wins from those ideas.

Businesses must also take advantage of customer telemetry, Big Data, generated by activity on websites, mobile devices, and social media, to create a more personalized experience — both in-house and online. But not every business knows how to convert that data into actionable insights. N2Growth helps companies transform information — and automate it — in ways that lead to the creation of unique value add and competitive advantages for our clients

Transformation is the new normal. The combination of all of this explosive new data, new technology, new consumer expectations, and time compression all creates the need for companies to be more innovative than in the past — and to create a sustainable culture of innovation.

N2Growth works with Corporate Boards, CEOs, and senior management from many industries to co-create strategies for growth, develop the set of Next Practices that enable digital transformation, and provide the framework for businesses to augment their brand identity, as well as create compelling competitive advantages.

Advisory Services Focused on Leadership Training & Organization

N2Growth’s Founder and Chairman, Mike Myatt, has a diverse background of professional leadership in the banking industry, law, internet strategy, and advertising. In addition to leading N2Growth, he’s a published author, columnist, and speaker who’s considered one of America’s top thought leaders.

Mike has served as an advisor to hundreds of Fortune 500 CEOs since launching N2Growth in 2005, and the company has grown into a global consultancy firm with 40 locations spanning five continents.

Mike coined the phrase “next practices” as an alternative to best practices, and it epitomizes N2Growth’s innovative approach to every aspect of business development.

N2Growth focuses on talent and organization, and we are known for our executive coaching practice. As a result of success in that space, we developed strategy and executive search practices.

The Cognitive iSix Framework of N2Growth’s Digital Strategy

N2Growth has methodologies for everything it does. When business leaders approach N2Growth with transformation goals, N2Growth first immerses itself into the company’s overall vision.

We work with leadership to determine and fully build out their key strategic principles. One of the keys is to start with the end in mind — where do they envision the company in three years?. Then we baseline current state and architect a series of action plans to close the gaps, keeping everything tied to positive business outcomes.

N2Growth has a similar approach to helping businesses with digital transformation but follows a more articulated Cognitive iSix component framework. We call it the Cognitive iSix framework. The six I’s stand for individual, innovation, information, incubation, intelligence, and investment.

We help businesses look at improving their connection with the individual. We come up with ways to benefit the customer with faster access and content that’s more personalized, connected, and collaborative.

The “Individual” component refers to the customer. N2Growth believes it’s the age of the consumer and recommends treating customers, including our own, like celebrities. Our intention is not simply to meet customer expectations, we want to delight them.

For innovation, N2Growth works with business leaders to create a portfolio of techniques and ideas for improving that individual connection. This step leads to information — determining the big data framework needed to implement the ideas. Next, the ideas are incubated. Rather than going through a major project, we push organizations to incubate — try to prototype and do a proof of concepts around these initiatives, to figure out which ones will make the most sense.

N2Growth then has leaders look at how innovations fit into their competitive ecosystem to gain intelligence and sustainable competitive differentiation. For the final framework category, investment, ideas are examined for ROI and applied to a specific use case – a focus on business outcomes is key to success.

Using the Cognitive iSix framework for digital transformation, N2Growth helps companies apply innovative technology for improved customer engagement — a prime example of what its digital transformation advisory practice can offer business leaders and their brands.

Harnessing AI & Consumer Data to Discover the Art of the Possible

To create a strategy for innovation, N2Growth believes businesses must avoid the urge to adopt technology for technology’s sake and strategically adopt the “next practices” that align with the changes around them. N2Growth helps companies find the intersection between strategy, innovation, and consumer data — which it calls the new natural resource.

N2Growth places the individual first in its Cognitive iSix framework because understanding consumers through data is key to effective digital transformation. Before digital connectivity, businesses were forced to rely on limited research and speculation to develop products and marketing strategies. Today, there’s no shortage of information — or access to it.

The average consumer generates one gigabyte of digital information every day based on mobile, online, IOT, and social media behavior. Most companies are not taking advantage of that data to improve marketing. It’s a combination of being aware that this data exists and being able to mine it with the machine learning capabilities we’re working with.

Brands must learn how to effectively connect with customers and keep a competitive advantage by using big data as well as innovation strategically. N2Growth is uniquely positioned to help business leaders innovate and thrive in the digital era.

We’re combining a strategy, AI, Digital Transformation as well as the full suite of N2Growth practices to help companies realize the art of the possible.

Areas of Expertise

Executive Search Firm | Board, CEO & C-Suite Executive Recruitment - N2Growth

Executive Search

Our executive search practice focuses on senior executive, board and C-Suite searches. The world’s leading brands seek our counsel to build best-in-class leadership teams, to manage performance, and for succession planning.

Executive coaching, leadership development and assessments - N2Growth

Leadership Development

Our broad portfolio of executive coaching & leadership development services pushes companies and teams to greatness, whether through 1:1 executive coaching or enterprise-wide leadership advisory. There actually is a silver bullet in business – it’s called great leadership.