Today’s Myatt on Monday’s question was posed by a CEO who asked: “Can you define the difference between vision and mission?” What a great question…it’s always refreshing to me when an executive checks their ego and asks a clarifying question (a characteristic of great leaders by the way) rather than pretend they know the answer. The reason this is such a great question is that I’ve witnessed far too many executives confuse vision and mission in terms of both definition and application. In today’s post, I’ll clearly explain the difference between vision and mission

As a backdrop to answering today’s question, I want to share a simple organizational framework I developed several years ago to help executives gain a better understanding of leadership structure. Just like an algebraic formula, the business also functions according to rules governing order of operations. My premise was that business logic is similar to the logic used in solving mathematical equations – if you attempt to solve a problem out of sequence it will result in a flawed outcome. The framework goes like this: “Values should underpin Vision, which dictates Mission, which determines Strategy, which surfaces Goals that frame Objectives, which in turn drives the Tactics that tell an organization what Resources, Infrastructure, and Processes are needed to support a certainty of execution.” (Mike Myatt, 1988)

Let me be clear – vision and mission are not interchangeable. Confusing mission and vision in definition or in a sequence of application will result in inconsistent leadership decisions, confusion among the ranks, and the inevitability of flawed outcomes. It’s important to understand that vision statements are design-oriented, while mission statements are execution-oriented. In fact, it is the corporate vision that should determine its mission. The vision is a bigger picture and future-oriented, while the mission is more immediately focused on the present. It is the vision that defines the end game, and the mission is the road map that will take you there.

Values should underpin Vision, which dictates Mission, which determines Strategy, which surfaces Goals that frame Objectives, which in turn drives the Tactics that tell an organization what ResourcesInfrastructure and Processes are needed to support a certainty of execution.”  – Mike Myatt, 1988

Vision statements, as implied in the construction of the phraseology itself, put forth a statement of the envisioned future. This vision, if successful, must be underpinned by core ideology and then expressed with clarity and conviction. A non-existent, ambiguous, or ideologically weak corporate vision is nothing short of a recipe for disaster…It would be akin to the proverbial ship without a rudder adrift without any direction or control. As noted above, mission statements should reflect a greater focus on more immediate concerns that support the overarching vision. Mission statements tend to be more functional in nature dealing with a variety of touchpoints throughout the value chain.

In keeping with the mathematical analogies above, it’s important to note that both vision and mission should be viewed as variables and not constants. What I mean by this is both the vision and mission need to be kept fresh and relevant. If either your vision or mission becomes outdated and irrelevant so too will your business.

Lastly, even though this is a discussion of the differences between vision and mission, don’t forget the first and most important step…basing everything upon core values. Don’t get caught up in attempting to develop something catchy to be encapsulated within a piece of framed artwork that hangs in your reception area yet never put into practice. It is much more important than your vision and mission to be understood by company employees and translated into the resultant authenticity of their actions. Your customers don’t care what you put on paper, but they care immensely about whether or not a company’s vision and mission are reflected in a fulfilled brand promise.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.

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